January 24, 2022 - John 15:15
“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15 NIV
Jesus, what an honor to be called a friend of yours. It doesn’t seem possible for the God over all to call us a friend. What an honor. You have every right as God to look at us as servants. You are worthy to have us serve you for all eternity. It would be acceptable for the Almighty God to order us around and demand so much from us. But, Lord, you are not like that at all. We praise you for how you treat us with so much love. You show us honor. What a crazy thing that the most high God would choose to honor us as mere humans that fail you all the time.
We praise you for not trying to control us but respecting us. You make requests of us, but you leave it up to us to honor you by obeying. It is a relationship. You give us respect and ask for it in return. It is a friendship with mutual give and take. Lord, this is such a beautiful thing. Just, wow. How is it possible that we have a relationship with God that flows both directions with respect and honor? Thank you for being such an amazing God.
We praise you for drawing us in. You don’t hide things from us, but you want to share all of yourself with us. Thank you for being so open to us. Teach us how to treat you like you treat us. Teach us how to open up and give you access to all we are. Teach us how to honor you like you honor us. Show us how to walk in obedience to your wishes, not because we must serve you but because we long to honor you. Teach us how to be a friend to you like you are a friend to us. For Lord, you are worthy of our lives, and we want to surrender them to you, not out of obligation, but out of love and honor for you. What an amazing God you are!
In Jesus name, amen.
