January 22, 2022 - 1 Corinthians 7:17
“Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them.” 1 Corinthians 7:17 NIV
Lord, we thank you that what we do in life matters to you. You see us and you love us. We thank you that you long to see us living a fulfilled life. Thank you for the beautiful creation you designed each of us to be. Thank you for creating us with giftings and strengths to use to accomplish things for you. Thank you for the great plans that you have for each of us. Lord, we also praise you that you don’t value some roles more than other roles. You don’t value the pastor’s role over the role of the person you called to sell insurance. You don’t value the role of the missionary working in the slums of India more than the businessman. You don’t view one of these roles as “ministry” and the other not. You value our obedience to you.
Lord, thank you for calling all of us into ministry. The question is where are you calling us to minister? Would you make each of our callings clear? If you are calling us to sell hamburgers at a fast-food place, then help us view that job as our ministry. Whether we are at home taking care of our families or doing ordinary tasks at our jobs, we want to honor you in all we do. We want to bring your presence into all that we do. Show us how to do our job as a ministry unto you. Show us how to invite you and your kingdom into whatever place you have called us. Teach us how to love and serve the people you have placed in our sphere like we were serving you.
Lord, let us live our lives for you like everything we do matters to you, because it does. We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve you. Help us to always seek you first and walk in obedience to whatever you ask of us.
In Jesus name, amen.
