January 21, 2024 - Proverbs 21:20-22
“In wisdom’s house you’ll find delightful treasures and the oil of the Holy Spirit. But the stupid squander what they’ve been given. The lovers of God who chase after righteousness will find all their dreams come true: an abundant life drenched with favor and a fountain that overflows with satisfaction. A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough, bringing down the strongholds of the mighty.” Proverbs 21:20-22 TPT
Lord, wash over us every day with the oil of the Holy Spirit. We need your freshness every day. Let us make that a priority in our lives. Thank you for all the treasures you have stored up for us. Let us put value on the words you speak to us and the blessings you give to us. We don’t want to take them for granted or squander them away. Show us how we might be doing this. We thank you so much for all you do and give to us. You are an amazing God & Father.
Lord, we thank you for the promise that if we chase after righteousness, we will find our dreams come true. Help us chase after righteousness. We want to live our lives in the fear of the Lord, pursuing holiness. Help us uproot sin and the desires of our flesh. Help us align our lives, our desires, and our dreams to your ways. Then, Lord, let us rejoice as we see our dreams come true. We thank you for a life drenched with your favor. You are the fountain that never runs dry, and you provide us with true satisfaction.
Lord, help us walk in your wisdom so we can ascend and defeat the stronghold of the enemy. Lord, grow us into mighty warriors who take out the stronghold of the enemy everywhere we go. Let us cause Satan to tremble because of how we use the power you have given to us.
Thank you for how you trust us and for the abundance you pour out over us when we listen to your wisdom. You are such an awesome God. We love you so much.
In Jesus name, amen.
