January 19, 2025 - John 14:6
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 ESV
Jesus, you are the way. Not a way, but THE way. The only way. You didn’t say that you make a way or paved a way. You said that you ARE the way. We don’t just follow your path to get to the Father, we go through you to get to the Father. It is only by coming to you and giving our lives to you that we will find the Father. We must surrender who we are and become one with you. It is only in doing so we find the Way. You are also the truth. All truth comes from you. You are the tangible form of truth. Anything that doesn’t line up with who you are is not truth. Help us to align ourselves with you. Show us anywhere in our lives where our beliefs don’t align with truth. Help us to uproot those things and replace them with the realities of you and your kingdom. Help us be comfortable with the facets of your truth that go against the mainstream beliefs of our world. Change us where we need to be changed.
Jesus, you are life. Without you, life cannot exist. It is in you and through you that every living thing lives. We praise you for giving us life. We praise you that you even sustain the life of those who don’t acknowledge you as the life giver. We praise you that not only do you give us the ability to exist, but you made a way for us to have eternal life. When we are reborn in you, we can live life to the fullest. We ask for you to reveal your lifegiving, loving self to those who don’t know you. Use us to share you. Let our lives be overflowing with your true life. Let joy, peace, understanding, patience, and all the fruit of your Spirit flow from us and draw people to you. Be our way, truth and life and let our lives bring glory to you.
In Jesus name, amen.
