January 18, 2022 - John 2:11
(In reference to Jesus turning water into wine...) “This miraculous sign at Cana in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed his glory. And his disciples believed in him.” John 2:11 NLT
Jesus, this was the first time you showed your glory. Most of the people at the wedding didn’t even realize it. The Bible says that they believed that the host saved the best wine for last. Only a small group of people saw your glory in this miracle. The rest of the guests missed it. They thought it was just part of the wedding. It was just normal life to them. Jesus, we never want to miss your glory. Help us to always be looking for you even in what seems ordinary. We don’t want to get stuck in only looking for your glory in the “big” miracles and obvious places.
Today, open our eyes to see glory. Give us eyes to see your glory throughout our day. As we are walking through the ordinary, open our eyes to see your glory. We know that your miracle working power is at work all day every day. It is moving all around us. Help us not to be so caught up in life that we miss you.
We want to see your glory. We want it to grow our faith so we can believe in you more and more. We want to know you so much more. We don’t want to ever miss out on your presence. Take us deeper into all that you are. Show us your glory, Lord. We want to see your glory more than anything. We say, “Come, Lord.” We give you permission to do whatever you need to in us so that you can invade our lives more. Remove anything that holds us back from more of you or hinders us from seeing your glory clearly. Give us eyes to see you more clearly. Lord, please reveal yourself to us. We want more of you, Lord. More, so much more. We bow our knees in worship to you and plead for you to reveal more of yourself to us. Show us your glory, Lord.
In Jesus name, amen.
