January 16, 2025 - Job 9:3-10
“If someone wanted to take God to court, would it be possible to answer him even once in a thousand times? For God is so wise and so mighty. Who has ever challenged him successfully? “Without warning, he moves the mountains, overturning them in his anger. He shakes the earth from its place, and its foundations tremble. If he commands it, the sun won’t rise and the stars won’t shine. He alone has spread out the heavens and marches on the waves of the sea. He made all the stars—the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the constellations of the southern sky. He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles.” Job 9:3-10 NLT
Jesus, as we read Job describe your greatness and mightiness, never let us forget just who it is that we pray to and serve. We can sometimes picture you as the human who walked the earth - someone that we can contain in our understanding. Someone we can sit with and have a conversation with like any other human. Whereas, yes, you took on the form of a human and we can have a conversation with you like any other human, you are not any other human. You are the sovereign God. How marvelous that you welcome us to come and ask you questions but help us to always have a humble attitude and see you for who you are. Forgive us for anytime that we have pridefully challenged you. Forgive us for any entitlement that we think we have a right to. Oh, Lord, we deserve nothing. Teach us to always see you for who you are and approach you with a humble and grateful heart. Show us both your grandeur and your loving approachability. We praise you that everything that Job stated about you is true. You created everything. You can command anything to be or not be. You can and do work outside of the limits of our understanding and the fundamental laws of our universe. How wonderful. Let us see you correctly.
In Jesus name, amen.
