January 15, 2023 - Proverbs 15:1, 4
“A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:1, 4 NLT
Lord, as I read these verses you reminded me of something I witnessed earlier today. I was observing someone learning a new task. They were doing a good job but going slowly. Someone in authority who was waiting on them to finish was getting very frustrated with them and expressing that frustration in words and actions. I watched as the person learning became deflated at their words. Lord, the words and actions used were not deceitful and they didn’t cause tempers to flare with this person, but the result was a crushed spirit. Lord, I think about my life and times that I have gotten frustrated at someone and not responded with a gentle word. In most circumstances, a gentle encouraging word will get a better response than a harsh word. Lord, would you help us grow in patience. I think of how much patience you have with me. I am often so slow to learn. There are lies that I know I have bought into, and I know the truth, yet I still struggle daily to break free from the lies and live in the truth. There are sins that I know are wrong and yet, I still find myself committing them. It is a growing process, and I am learning to walk in freedom. I thank you so much for how you gently help me move forward into freedom in these areas. You don’t call me a failure and give up on me. Thank you for helping me grow.
Lord, make us more like you. Help us have patience. Help us not take our frustrations out on others. Teach us how to speak gently, even when everything in us wants to be harsh. Help us stop, take a deep breath, and tap into your strength, patience, and wisdom. Holy Spirit, help us catch our words and actions before they cause damage. Thank you that with your help we can grow in this too.
In Jesus name, amen.
