January 15, 2022 - Psalms 107:8-9
“Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness.” Psalms 107:8-9 NKJV
Lord, we give our thanks to you for your unending goodness to us. You are so worthy of all of our praises. You shine down on us and fill us with your presence. How is it that the God over all has chosen to adopt us as your children? It is impossible for minds to wrap around how your love for us works - that you would choose to sacrifice so much so that we could be brought into a relationship with you. We could never say enough about how grateful we are for your love and goodness to us. All that you have done for us is such a wondrous thing. We praise you for it.
Lord, we praise you for your abundant love for us. You don’t just love a little or even just enough. No, your love is poured out over us in an abundant never-ending flow. If we look, we will see it all day long. It is always surrounding us. Lord, we praise you for all the things that you do to show your love to us. We deserve none of it, but you choose to love us anyway. We are so grateful.
We praise you for how you satisfy our longings. We are so grateful that you know us down to the core of who we are. You designed us. We praise you for knowing what we want and need even better than we know ourselves. Lord, as grateful as we are for all the things that you give to us and do for us, today we want to ask for more of you. We want to seek your face above all else. Draw us closer to you and teach us more about who you are. Take us deeper in you. We are hungry and long to taste more of you. Remove anything that separates us from you. Let the deepest longing of our soul be for more of you, Lord. We praise you for promising to fill that longing.
In Jesus name, amen.
