January 14, 2024 - Proverbs 14:2, 18, 35
“Lovers of truth follow the right path because of their wonderment and worship of God. But the devious display their disdain for him. The naïve demonstrate a lack of wisdom, but the lovers of wisdom are crowned with revelation-knowledge. A wise and faithful servant receives promotion from the king, but the one who acts disgracefully gets to taste the anger of the king.” Proverbs 14:2, 18, 35 TPT
Lord, help us to always be walking in your wonderment and worship. Help us keep our eyes focused on you. Let worship be our lifestyle. Thank you that as we keep our eyes focused on you that following your path comes naturally and isn’t hard to do.
Lord, we don’t want to be naive. Help us press in after wisdom. We want to love it to the point that we search it out and treasure it. Never let us grow content and be ok with being naive. Put a continual hunger in us for more of you. We thank you for the crown of revelation-knowledge that we will be rewarded with. Help us to always operate out of that knowledge and revelation so our actions are from you.
Lord, help us be wise and faithful servants. We want to honor you in all we do. Let us live as if you were right there beside us, for you are. The moment we are going to do something disgraceful to you, show us and help us change that action immediately. As we stay focused on you and work in your wisdom, you will promote us and give us your honor at just the right time. Let our lives be lived to receive acceptance, glory, and honor from you and not man. For you are worthy of our lives and we surrender them to you and trust your ways, our very faithful and loving Father! We love and treasure you all the days of our lives!
In Jesus name, amen.
