January 12, 2025- John 8:58
“Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.”” John 8:58 ESV
Wow, what a statement, Jesus. How easily it could be to quickly read over this little verse and miss exactly what you were saying in those few words. You were talking to Jews in the temple who were coming against you. By saying this, you were stating that you are eternal. You clearly told them that you are God. They couldn’t understand the truth. Open our eyes, Jesus, and help us believe the truth of who you are. You are the I AM. You are eternal. You have no beginning and no end. You were before Abraham and everyone else. You are self-sufficient. You need nothing to exist, because you just Are.
You are holy. You are just. You are love. You are might and power. You are wisdom. You are light. You are life. Nothing exists outside of you. You reign over everything. You lack nothing. You are bigger and more than we could ever imagine. You will not fit in any “box” we try to put you in. We invite you to blow up any box we have tried to make you fit in. We do that to be more comfortable with you. Forgive us. We don’t want to be comfortable with you, but we want more of you in our lives. Show us more of who you are. Blow our minds and mess up our comfortable lives. We want you no matter what the cost. Holy Spirit, come and open our eyes and minds to understand more of who you are. We commit our lives to you, our great I AM.
In Jesus name, amen.
