January 11, 2023 - Proverbs 11:12-13
“It is foolish to belittle one’s neighbor; a sensible person keeps quiet. A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.” Proverbs 11:12-13 NLT
Lord, we come to you today wanting to examine our words. We want to be people who honor you in all that comes out of our mouth, and not allow words that are not kind or edifying to come out of our mouth. We never want to be a part of belittling anyone, even if we think they deserve it. We are not their judge. That is your role. You are all knowing and all wise. You are just and the only one worthy to judge others. Help us to leave this to you. If we are to bring correction or discipline, we want to do it in a loving and honoring way and not a belittling way. Please teach us how to do that. Teach us how to inspire others to grow or change and not try to do so through anger or condemnation.
Lord, we also ask that you help us not to gossip about others. Increase our ability to recognize it before it comes out of our mouth. Again, help us be people who uplift others with what we say and not tear them down. Give us such wisdom on how to honor other people, especially if they make it very hard to do so. Give us your heart to love the people we find difficult to love. Give us your eyes to see them like you see them. Show us how we can help them grow. If nothing else, our prayers for them will bring change. Remind us to turn our frustrations into prayers and not into negative talk directed toward people who cannot help the situation. Often when we want to talk negatively about someone it is our pride that wants others to join our “side” of a situation or our pride that wants to tear down others so we will feel better about ourselves. Lord, forgive us and help us uproot this pride. Also, teach us how to correctly shut down and not participate in others’ gossip.
In Jesus name, amen.
