January 1, 2022 - Ephesians 5:10
“Carefully determine what pleases the Lord.” Ephesians 5:10 NLT
Lord, we thank you for all that you’ve done in our lives in 2021. It’s such an honor to be able to walk the journey of life with you. As we start 2022 today, we want to commit this year to carefully determining what pleases you, Lord. We want this next year to be marked with diligently seeking more of your presence. We want to determine what pleases you and prioritize doing those things this year. Lord, when we please you, we experience your presence. When we experience your presence, you change us, and we become more like you. In your presence, you bring clarity, you heal us, and you grow us.
Tune our spirits in and put us on high alert to the things that are pleasing to you. We ask this year that you would take us on a journey of stepping out in greater faith. Give us a deeper heart for worship. Give us opportunities to love the poor and needy. Teach us how to be still and rest in your presence. Help us dig deeper into your word and give us the knowledge to discover the treasures you’ve hidden there for us. Help us walk in obedience to all that you ask of us and place our life before you as a living sacrifice in constant surrender.
In 2022, let our lives be about lifting you up, ministering to you, and making your glory known throughout the earth. Help us learn how to discern the feeling of your pleasure and delight over us. Let it be addicting to us. Let the pleasure of your presence be our motivating factor in 2022. Let it become something we hunger for and can’t get enough of. Lord, whatever you want from our lives this year, we say yes. We are all in regardless of what it costs us. Let 2022 be marked with meeting your presence so intimately that we are forever changed. That once we taste it, we are ruined and could never settle for anything less.
In Jesus name, amen.
