February 7, 2022 - Job 23:10-12
“But he knows where I am going. And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold. For I have stayed on God’s paths; I have followed his ways and not turned aside. I have not departed from his commands, but have treasured his words more than daily food.” Job 23:10-12 NLT
Lord, we thank you so much that you always know where we are and where we are going. Even when we feel lost and unsure, you are never confused. It is so wonderful to serve a God who knows everything and has it all under control. We praise you that we never have to worry. We can trust you completely. We praise you for always being faithful to us. We praise you for never leaving us.
We praise you for the purifying process. Even though it is uncomfortable and often painful, it serves such an important purpose. Lord, we want our lives to reflect you to the world. We know the only way for that to effectively happen is for you to purify us. So, we welcome your process into our lives. When we feel lost in that process, when it seems you are not close, and when everything just seems confusing, remind us of what is happening. Remind us to hold tight to you and trust you in the process. Remind us that we will come out of these seasons as pure as gold.
Lord, we want to be able to truthfully declare what Job declared in verse 11 & 12. Help us to always stay on your path without veering off to the right or the left. Help us keep our eyes set on you and following closely behind you in your ways. We never want to depart from your commands. Let us treasure you and your ways more than anything else. Let us crave you and your ways more than food. We commit ourselves to you in every season, even in the trials. For you are worthy of our devotion even if life becomes painful or it isn’t lining up with our desires.
In Jesus name, amen.
