February 6, 2022 - John 5:19
“So Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.” John 5:19 NLT
Jesus, we can definitely learn from this verse. This verse says that you can do nothing by yourself. What a statement. If this is true for you, how do we ever think that we can accomplish anything by ourselves? Help us overcome the pride in us that feels we must do things on our own and in our own way. Please forgive us for this. Jesus, we want to change the world like you did. We want to overcome temptation like you did. I think this verse gives us the secret to your success. We want to learn to live like you. Please come and teach us how to tune into the Father more clearly. Father, help us to discern what you are saying to us. Help us get in the habit of being constantly in tune with you. We want to be in constant communication with you regardless of what is going on around us. We want to invite you into all of our life and not just into a piece of our day.
Holy Spirit, we invite you to walk so closely with us. Lead our every step. Awaken our instinct to recognize your guidance in our lives. Guide our intuition. Draw us closer and allow us to learn your ways to the point that we can feel and anticipate your movements. When something doesn’t line up with what you are wanting, let it turn sour in us so we immediately recognize when we have stepped out of your guidance.
Father, we want our lives to be an exact reflection of you. Please do your work in us and remove the things that keep us from hearing your voice clearly. Remove the blemishes that keep us from reflecting you clearly. Remove the pride and selfishness that pull us away from you and your ways. Purify us. Make us more like you. Teach us to depend on you for everything. We want our lives to be consumed by following after you.
In Jesus name, amen.