February 5, 2024 - Psalms 137:1-2
“Beside the rivers of Babylon, we sat and wept as we thought of Jerusalem. We put away our harps, hanging them on the branches of poplar trees.” Psalms 137:1-2 NLT
Lord, they sat by the river and wept because they were captives. They were beaten, and their friends and families had been killed. Their homes, city, and temple were burnt and destroyed. They had reason to mourn and hurt. Their pain for Jerusalem and their lives was so great that they hung their harps and put worship aside. Lord, there is a level of pain and brokenness that will take away our song. At times the pain is too great for words, much less songs. Lord, we ask that even in the worst pain you would teach us how to worship. When the pain is too great and we don’t have words, when all we have is tears, a groan, or a sigh, we give that to you. Holy Spirit, turn our groanings and cries into prayers and worship.
Lord, help us not to withdraw and stew in our pain. We must worship our way through it. We must allow you to heal it. Worship moves the soul. We choose not to hang up our harps. Even if all we have is a groan, let us make it unto you. Show us how to take the hurt and give it to you. We don’t want to let the hurt push you away. Help us not to let the pain turn into hopelessness. That will cause us to withdraw from you and the church. Satan wants our pain to separate us from where healing can be found. Help us realize that worship is a choice and where healing is found. Even when life makes no sense and the pain is warping our perspective, we must stand on truth. Drive your truth so deep within us that when life tries to throw us into complete and utter darkness, we won’t lose our way because the light of your truth remains within us. We open our hearts and allow you to heal the pain. We praise you for how you meet us where we are. We praise you for the healing.
In Jesus name, amen.
