February 3, 2024 - Amos 3:8
“The lion has roared— so who isn’t frightened? The Sovereign Lord has spoken— so who can refuse to proclaim his message?” Amos 3:8 NLT
Lord, we invite your roar into our lives. We want to see you move like never before throughout the world and we know that it needs to start in our own lives. Come and move in us. Move us out of our comfort zones and out of passivity and complacency. Move us past settling for just getting by. Uproot the things that are not of you. Break off the sins that we don’t think we will ever be free of. Destroy the lies that we are living under. Roar and show us some of the power that you hold. Let the fear of the Lord enter our lives on new levels. Teach us more about living in reverence of you. Show us not only your love, but your power and holiness. Lord, we thank you that one roar from you can do all of that in an instant. Let it make us more like you.
God, when you speak, everything obeys. All authority is in your voice. Lord, increase our ability to recognize when you speak to us. Let us be people who are quick to hear and obey. Help us be your mouthpiece that allows you to speak into the world around us. Help us to overcome the fear that would hold us back from walking in obedience to what you are asking us to say. Teach us to roar for you. Your power lives within us and you are calling us to be your messenger. Grow our roar from a “lion cub” size roar to a “king of the jungle” size roar. Let us learn to release a roar that will set the captives free. Let us speak your words and release the power that would bring restoration and healing. Make us into your mighty messengers. We invite your roar into every area of our lives!
In Jesus name, amen.
