February 23, 2023 - Psalms 125:1
“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.” Psalms 125:1 NIV
Lord, we want to be people whose trust is secure in you. Please open our eyes to places in our lives where we are struggling to fully trust you and then show us how to hand that area over to you. Take us deeper into your presence, for it is in your presence that we find our confidence in you growing. The more we know you and encounter your love for us, the more we find our trust naturally increases. When we are in your presence, we have a greater understanding of who we are in you. It gives us strength and courage. We know that we are not standing alone. When we are confident you are with us, it gives us faith to “step out of the boat and walk on water”. What should be impossible now becomes possible. All our problems no longer seem like something to worry over. When we are surrounded by your presence, our faith begins to grow, and we feel unshakable. We can walk up to Goliath, with nothing but a sling and some stones, and confidently take the victory. When we are surrounded by your presence, we will stand for you even if it means we are sent to spend the night in the lion’s den. We will trust that regardless of the outcome, you are with us, and we will triumph.
Lord, the key to trusting in you is to spend time in your presence. Help us to make that our highest priority every day. Show us how to find time for you. Even if our time with you must be while doing other things, teach us how to bring you into all that we do. Living surrounded by your presence is a must if we want to be world changers. We will never truly make a lasting impact unless we are operating in your presence. Walking in your presence, we can do the impossible. In your presence we cannot be shaken, and we will endure forever. Hallelujah!
In Jesus name, amen.
