February 22, 2022 - 1 Samuel 24:6
“He said to his men, “The Lord forbid that I should do this to my Lord the king. I shouldn’t attack the Lord’s anointed one, for the Lord himself has chosen him.”” 1 Samuel 24:6 NLT
Lord, what a shining example David is as someone who honored his leader, Saul, even though Saul was literally trying to kill him. Wow. Help us learn from David and take on this attitude towards those who are against us. Even though Saul wasn’t living a life for you and was trying to kill David, he was still the anointed King. Until you removed him from that role, David was right in honoring him. Even when you put David in places where killing Saul would have been simple, David refused to bring harm to Saul.
Lord, in those seasons and places in life where we find ourselves under leadership that isn’t walking in godliness, show us how to handle that appropriately. Even if we are being targeted like David was, show us how to honor those you have placed in leadership. Honoring them doesn’t mean we necessarily have to continue to stay under them unless you have asked us to. If that is the place that you are calling us to stay, show us how to respect and honor those who are not respecting and honoring us. Help us walk out in obedience to you and extend love and not slander towards them. Show us your strategy. Lord, as we honor you and this leader with our words and actions, be our protector. Help us leave this person in your hands and let you be our defender. Help us to bring our wounds to you to be healed so they don’t become infected and cause bitterness. Help us extend forgiveness to them like you do to us. Lord, if you are telling us to leave, give us wisdom on how to do that in an honoring way. Help us let go of our pride and our need to prove we are right by tearing this person down. Help us surrender them to you and trust you to take care of the situation.
In Jesus name, amen.
