February 2, 2023 - Psalms 139:23-24
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” Psalms 139:23-24 NLT
Lord, we want to invite you to come in and examine us. We give you permission to have your way in us. Come in and search us thoroughly. Search us like only you can. You see it all and know what is hidden. You created us and fully know us. Light up anything that is not of you. We want to be more like you. Uproot the things that hold us back from all you have for us. We want so much more of you. What are the things that are not allowing you to fully come in and do all you want to do in us. Search us, oh Lord. We lay our hearts before you. Do the surgery like only you can do. Purify us. Ask what you want us to surrender, it is yours. Search us, oh Lord. Where are the worries that you want us to let go of and trust you with? Search us, oh Lord. Where are the sins that we want to hide away or aren’t even aware are there? Light them up and teach us how to change that behavior. Search us, oh Lord. Where are the places that our mindset needs to change? Help us line up our thoughts to your truth. Search us, oh Lord. Point out anything that offends you. We want nothing to do with anything that you find offensive.
Holy Spirit, walk us through this process and transform us. Help us not just say these words but have the will power to back them up when you start pulling things out of us that are hard to let go. Fill us with your strength. Give us a hatred for allowing things to stay in our lives that you are asking us to let go of. Increase our love for you and in that our willingness to say yes to whatever you ask. We want to desire you more than anything else. There is nothing more valuable than gaining more of you. Purify and consume us.
In Jesus name, amen.
