February 15, 2023 - Psalms 34:8-9
“Drink deeply of the pleasures of this God. Experience for yourself the joyous mercies he gives to all who turn to hide themselves in him. Worship in awe and wonder, all you who’ve been made holy! For all who fear him will feast with plenty.” Psalms 34:8-9 TPT
Lord, we want to drink you in deeply. We want to indulge on all that you are. The beauty of you is that there is always more of you to discover. We can drink you in constantly and never run out of room to take more in. You will never turn our stomachs because we had too much of you. And you love to pour yourself out over us. You long for us to come and sit in your presence. The way you love us is just remarkable. You have set up a royal banquet and invited us to come and dine with you as your honored guest. You spared no expense but have put out an abundance of the best to bless us with. We are honored and blessed by how you make yourself available and want to honor us. Lord, help us make you a priority. Help us find the time to come daily and feast with you. We want to feast on your Word, and drink deep of your presence until we are full and overflowing. We want you to splash out of us onto the world around us.
We worship you today for all you do for us. You are the most loving being who ever existed. We praise you that you don’t rule like a tyrant, but from love. You are the Almighty God and are sovereign over everything, yet you know each of us by name and want to make yourself known to us. How marvelous! We stand in awe and wonder of who you are. Thank you that you don’t want to stand over us as the Holy and perfect God and show us how dirty and terrible we are. We praise you that you want to clean us up and make us more like you. You made a way for us to walk a holy life. We praise you and we come before you today with expectant hearts for the feast you set before us.
In Jesus name, amen.
