February 12, 2024 - Jeremiah 9:23-24
“This is what the Lord says: “Don’t let the wise boast in their wisdom, or the powerful boast in their power, or the rich boast in their riches. But those who wish to boast should boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord who demonstrates unfailing love and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth, and that I delight in these things. I, the Lord, have spoken!” Jeremiah 9:23-24 NLT
Lord, you are the best thing in our lives. Nothing can compare to your greatness. You are Holy, Holy, Holy. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The Almighty God. The Prince of Peace. You are Justice, Righteousness, and Love. You are worthy of all our worship. One day every knee will bow before you.
Lord, we want to also boast that we know you. Not that we know of you or know about you, but we want to truly know you. We ask that you grow us deeper in our relationship with you. Hide us away in you and tell us your secrets. Open our eyes to anything that holds us back from all you have for us and give us the strength to let go of those things. Put a deep desire in us to press into the things that will grow us. Teach us how to live a lifestyle of communing with you.
Lord, if there is anything, other than you, that we are boasting about, help us see it. We don’t want our identity to come from anything other than you. Not from any money or material thing we own, not from any gifting, skill, or talent we possess, not from our heritage, and not from our accomplishments or the titles we have earned. None of those things matter beyond this life. What matters is our relationship with you. Let that be all that we live for. Let us use all those other things just as tools to accomplish what you are calling us to. Holy Spirit, teach us how to be humble and walk confidently with our identity deeply rooted in who you say we are.
In Jesus name, amen.
