February 12, 2023 - Isaiah 60:1-3
“Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you. Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you. All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance.” Isaiah 60:1-3 NLT
Lord, we call to you and ask that you would shine your light for all the world to see. Open the blinded eyes to see you in your glory. Reveal yourself to the lost. Make the truth of who you are known to those who don’t know you. Shine brightly through us and help us be a beautiful reflection of you. We pray that none should perish without having an encounter with you that they can’t deny. Show us what our part is in making that happen. God, we ask for you to sweep over the earth and allow your spirit to move on the souls of man like we have never seen before. Let revival come to earth. Let your light begin to pierce through the darkness that covers the earth. Like when the clouds break up allowing the sun to shine down after the storm, we ask that you come and evaporate the darkness. We praise you that when your light shows up, darkness is banished away. Lord, we pray for a fresh wave of your glory to come and cover the earth.
Come, oh Lord, come and touch man. Awaken your children to the need to take you to the lost. Let that desire burn in us like a fire shut up in our bones that can’t be contained. Break our hearts for the lost. We ask for you to transform our heart to be more like yours. Help us see the lost like you see them. Give us the desire to play our part in taking your Gospel into the hardest and darkest places. We want to be a part in seeing all nations come to your light. We pray that the mighty kings and leaders of our world will come to clearly see your radiance. Let it be so, Lord; let it be so.
In Jesus name, amen.
