February 11, 2024 - Psalms 139:1
“Lord, you have seen what is in my heart. You know all about me.” Psalms 139:1 NIRV
Lord, we praise you that we are known by you. That is such a freeing thought. You know us completely. You understand our personalities, our scars, and the things that have happened to us that affect the way we think and act. You understand us better than we understand ourselves. There is nothing that you don’t see. You know our every thought. You see the things that we don’t want anyone to see. Yet, you love us unconditionally. We don’t have to try and clean ourselves up to earn your love. We don’t have to hide behind a perfect mask or fake it until we make it. You accept us just as we are. We thank you for your beautiful love for us.
We ask that you could continue to work on our hearts. We are grateful that you love us even with our issues and imperfections, but we don’t want that to be an excuse not to deal with those things. We invite you into our innermost places. In the places that we need healing, come and heal. The places where there are things we need to uproot and get rid of, we ask that you give us the strength to do so. The places that need to be cleaned up, help us clean house. We want to live in purity and not allow sin to remain in us. We don’t want to have things hidden away but ask that you bring your light into those places. We want our desires to line up with your desires. Any place that that isn’t the case, please start shifting our desires. We thank you that we can always trust what you are asking of us. You are so trustworthy.
We thank you for how you have created us. We praise you that we are wonderfully and beautifully made. We praise you that you are not too busy to see us. We are not too insignificant to be known by you. Thank you for the marvelous plans you have for us. Your love for us is so great. We praise you for it!
In Jesus name, amen.
