February 10, 2025 - John 16:7-8
“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment:” John 16:7-8 ESV
Jesus, how wonderful that you send the Holy Spirit to come and be our helper. You didn’t leave us here to try to walk in your ways on our own. We will always fail at that. We praise you that you sent us a helper to guide us to you and your kingdom. And what a great helper he is. Holy Spirit, Jesus said it was better that he would go so that we could get you. You are not a consolation prize; you are someone we desperately need. Help us get to know you better and gain a greater understanding of what an incredible gift that you are.
Holy Spirit, the second half of this verse can make you not seem that appealing. Most people don’t like the words convict or judgment, but I think if that is our thought we are looking at this wrong. When I look up the word, convict, in this setting it tells us it means to bring to light or expose. How often are we walking in sin that we don’t even realize we are doing, or don’t understand that it is a sin. We thank you, Holy Spirit, that you don’t expose our sin to bring shame or guilt on us, but to help us grow. You want to help us walk in righteousness and draw closer to God. We are so grateful that you have come to walk with us. We are grateful that you help us learn to walk in righteousness. Not only do you reveal our sin to us, but if we allow you, you will walk us through overcoming it and removing it from our lives. It is through your power that we can see change in our lives and walk in righteousness. We are so grateful. We invite you to reveal to us the sin in our lives. Purify us and draw us closer to you.
In Jesus name, amen.