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February 10, 2023 - Luke 21:1-4

“While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins. “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.”” Luke 21:1-4 NLT

Lord, we don’t want to give offerings to you that don’t cost us anything – for that isn’t really much of an offering. An offering should show you how grateful we are to you. You laid down everything and gave your all to us. You deserve that back from us. Teach us how to give in a way that gets your attention. I truly believe that we cannot out give you. Not that we want to give with the motive of getting something in return - as that isn’t a gift, but a transaction - but we want to give a gift that really gets your attention. The widow in this story gave all she had, and it got your attention. We don’t see the rest of the story, but I know you well enough to know that you would have made sure she was taken care of. You want to see that our hearts are willing to give our everything to you, but you promise that you will provide for our needs.

Lord, help us learn to trust you with our everything. Help us not just be willing to give you anything you ask, but to give more than asked. When we receive gifts from people, it is great to get something we asked for, but it means so much more when someone loves us enough to give us gifts we didn’t ask for. Lord, we want to take the time to bless you with gifts that come from our heart. We want it to cost us something and truly show our gratitude and worship to you. Teach us to be willing to not take care of our own needs first and then give of the leftovers, but help us live a lifestyle that affords us to give generously.

In Jesus name, amen.



About Colleen


Colleen Crawford has served full time with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1995. She served with YWAM Orlando for over 20 years. Since then, has been serving all over the world with YWAM Ships. She has a deep love for... 

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“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1 NLT) 


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