December 8, 2024 - Mark 8:15
“As they were crossing the lake, Jesus warned them, “Watch out! Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod.”” Mark 8:15 NLT
Jesus, we thank you for your warnings. You didn’t leave us to figure out this life on our own. We praise you for your Word. The Bible is such a wonderful gift to us. Help us listen and take to heart all that you have to say to us. We also praise you for the gift of your Holy Spirit. We are never alone. Teach us to tune into you in our lives. Open our eyes and our minds to see what you are doing in and around us.
Jesus, we also ask for you to open our eyes to the warning that you gave us in this verse. Yeast is something considered impure. Adding it to your bread changes the bread. You saw how the Pharisees were “adding” their own concepts to your Word and changing its meaning. They were using it for their own benefit and not as you intended. Would you show us any places in our lives where we have added our own form of yeast to your Word? Where are we believing things that don’t line up with your truth? Are there people that we are allowing to influence our lives that are not speaking your pure truth? Please open our eyes to the “yeast” in our lives and help us to uproot it. If we hear any teaching that sounds good, but doesn’t align with your truth, Holy Spirit, please alert us. Help us not to digest the “yeast”. Holy Spirit, we invite you into our lives. Please lead us, guide us, and protect us. Work in our lives and remove anything that is impure.
In Jesus name, amen.
