December 7, 2024 - Psalms 47:8-9
“God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne. The nobles of the nations assemble as the people of the God of Abraham, for the kings of the earth belong to God; he is greatly exalted.” Psalms 47:8-9 NIV
God, we praise you that you reign. You created the earth and there is nothing in it that you don’t reign over. All the mighty men and rulers of our day hold no power compared to you. There is no hierarchy that comes close to your authority and status. There is no evil thing that can overcome you. At the sound of your voice all evil will submit to you. You are all powerful. You are our Sovereign God. You are God over everything. Whether you are acknowledged or not doesn’t change who you are. One day every living thing will bow before you in utter acknowledgement of who you are. We are eternally grateful that you have shown your favor, mercy, and grace over us and opened our eyes to see the truth of who you are here. We will spend all eternity expressing our gratitude. We will bow in awe and praise your name forevermore and never run out of reasons to praise you for your greatness.
Oh how wonderful the day will be when all creation bows before your name, all nations and all people ever created. Oh Lord, how we want as many of them as possible to have the opportunity to spend eternity in your presence. Give us a greater heart to make your name known. Increase our heart for the lost and move through us to draw them closer to you. This is our true mission on earth. Help us keep this in the right perspective. When our time here is up, let us rejoice in how many we have brought to your saving grace, and not have regrets of how wrong we had our priorities. You are worthy of our everything. We give our lives for your glory and surrender to your will.
In Jesus name, amen.
