December 7, 2023 - 1 Samuel 16:7b
“The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7b NLT
Lord, we thank you that you are the all-knowing God. You created all things, and you know the ins and outs of how it all works. How wonderful that you are not limited only by what is seen in the natural. You can see beyond the masks and performances to see what is really happening behind the scenes. There is no fooling you. Lord, I find it freeing. We don’t have to hide or pretend with you. You know it all, and yet you still love us unconditionally. We thank you for how you love us. Thank you for how you are continually working on us.
Lord, since we never have to pretend with you, let us always dive into the heart of the matter with you. We don’t want to waste time with you hiding behind masks and walls. No matter how scared we are or how much we want to protect our hearts, you can be trusted with our complete vulnerability. Teach us how to be honest with ourselves and with you. Any place that we have gotten so comfortable with the mask and walls that we don’t even recognize they are there, open our eyes and help us tear them down.
Lord, we want to live in an honest and humble way so we can be truly known by you and the friends you place in our lives. When others are living openly and honestly around us, teach us how to handle their hearts in a way that doesn’t hurt them. Show us how to put love and forgiveness over being prideful, patronizing, or judgmental. Grow us in truly treating others how we would want to be treated. Teach us how to treat and love others like you love us.
In Jesus name, amen.
