December 6, 2024 - 1 Corinthians 15:33
“Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.”” 1 Corinthians 15:33 NLT
Lord, show us the difference between making friends with sinners so that our lives can influence their lives and behavior for good and being around sinners to the point that they begin to influence our lives for the bad. We don’t want our characters corrupted. Protect us. Are there any relationships in our lives that we need to walk away from or change the dynamics in? Lord, I know that it can be hard to walk away from good friends, especially if we feel we are the only good influence in their lives. But if you are asking us to do so, help us be obedient. Make a way for us to do it in a way that doesn’t hurt them if possible. We trust them in your hands. You don’t need us to bring salvation to their lives and our prayers alone might be all that you are asking of us. If we just need to change the dynamic of the relationship, give us such wisdom on how to do that. Show us the places where they are corrupting our character and give us the insight on how to stand against that. Give us the strength and courage to stand for truth and be a good example of your holiness and love in their lives.
Lord, help us protect our character. We want to be a good example of you. Grow us in this. Change us where needed. Help us trust you and walk in obedience to anything you ask of us. We want to live in a way that you get glory in all that we do. We want to be a great representative of you to the world. We praise you for how you want to help us do this. You are so wonderful to us. All praise to your name.
In Jesus name, amen.
