December 5, 2021 - James 1:7-8
“When you are half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable. Can you really expect to receive anything from the Lord when you’re in that condition?” James 1:7-8 TPT
Lord, we want to be people who wholeheartedly serve you. We want all that you have for us and want to give you all that we are. Please show us anywhere in our lives where we are only doing things half-hearted. We don’t just want to serve you wholeheartedly, but we want to live life that way. We want to give it all that we have. We want all the tasks that we do to be done to the best of our ability, especially the tasks we don’t want to or don’t like to do. Lord, let us work as unto you, even if the task isn’t something we are doing directly for you.
Lord, help us to have faith and trust in you that is wholehearted and not wavering, as well. Please, find the places where we are still doubting you and help us grow in those areas. Any place that we are believing lies about you or ourselves, we ask that you replace those lies with your truth. Continue to push us forward in growing our faith and trust in you so that we are ready to overcome the giants we come across that need to be conquered. We want to be ready to live the stories of you using us to do the impossible. Help us not to look back over our lives later and just see so many missed opportunities because our faith was lacking.
Father, we thank you for the gifts that you want to lavish on us. You are such an amazing father. We thank you for the great things you want to use us to accomplish. We thank you for the plans you have for us. We don’t want to miss one thing that you wanted to give us. Help us to not allow anything to hold us back from your all. Come and do what you need to do in us, so that we don’t miss out on anything. Grow us and help us live wholeheartedly for you.
In Jesus name, amen.
