December 25, 2022 - 2 Corinthians 9:15
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15 NKJV
Father, this is a day that a large part of the world will exchange gifts and celebrate together. It is a beautiful day that is anticipated for months. It is a fun day, but it is often also a super busy day, as we prepare meals and get together with friends and family to eat and exchange gifts. For some it can be stressful, for others possibly sad as they remember loved ones that they have lost that are not with them to celebrate. Today, regardless of the emotions we are feeling and the stresses of getting everything done for the celebration, we want to remember the real reason for the celebration. Jesus, you are why we celebrate today, and we don’t want to leave you out of our celebration. Show us how to bring you into everything we do today. Show us how to celebrate you, with you.
You have given us the best gift ever. Jesus, we praise you for the gift that you are. We praise you that by coming to earth for us, we get the opportunity to spend eternity with you. We praise you for making a way for us to be forgiven. Your perfect and pure blood can wash away our sins and purify us. What a truly marvelous gift. It is more priceless than we can comprehend, yet you freely give it away to anyone willing to take it. Your greatest desire is that all will have the opportunity to receive this gift. Lord, as we celebrate today, remind us of those who have not received your gift. You are truly an indescribable gift that we don’t want to keep to ourselves. Give us opportunities to share about you, and the gift you give, with those who are lost. We pray that you would prepare hearts and open doors that we can easily walk through. Give us the courage to step through and help us follow your lead on what to do and speak. Thank you for your gift and your leading in life’s journey.
In Jesus name, amen.
