December 22, 2022 - John 14:23
“Loving me empowers you to obey my word. And my Father will love you so deeply that we will come to you and make you our dwelling place.” John 14:23 TPT
Lord, we want to make our hearts and lives a place where you can dwell. Help us purify our hearts and rid ourselves of selfishness and sin. You are holy and can only fully dwell in a pure dwelling place. Let us come to love the purifying process that makes us more holy. Let righteousness be something we work towards at all costs, because it allows more of you to reside in us. Uproot any darkness you find in us. We want to fill our hearts and minds with your Word and your praise. Let it transform us so that we can make more space for you in our lives. We don’t want to hang on to anything that will take up space that could be filled with you.
Lord, the more of you we experience the more of your love we encounter. The more love we encounter the more we fall in love with you. The more we fall in love with you, the more we want to allow you to transform us to be more like you. The more of your love we encounter the more we want to live to please you. The more of your love we encounter the more we want to run from things that are not of you. The more of your love we encounter the more of you we want. Thank you for how you long for us to encounter your love. You long to pour it over us.
We thank you for how you love us. Your love is incredible. Thank you for how you love deeply and unconditionally. Thank you for how you long for us to make our lives a dwelling place for you. It will cost us something, but it is so worth anything we must lay down. You are worth our everything. Lord, we invite you to come and make us your dwelling place.
In Jesus name, amen.
