December 21, 2024 - Isaiah 7:14
“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Listen carefully, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will call his name Immanuel (God with us).” Isaiah 7:14 AMP
Jesus, our Immanuel, how wonderful that you chose to leave heaven and came to earth to live among us. You are “God with us”. That is what you always wanted. The Garden of Eden was made for us as a haven where we could live in close relationship with you. You always wanted to be known by us. Jesus, we thank you that after we messed up your perfect plan, you chose to come to earth and make a way for our mistakes to be forgiven and made right. You made a way to restore your perfect plan. You didn’t die to us just so that we could go to heaven, but all you did for us was so that our relationship with you could be restored. You genuinely desire to walk in a deep relationship with us not just in heaven for all eternity, but now. You want to be with us now. Not just when we get in trouble and need rescuing, but a friend that we are in constant fellowship with. Forgive us when we get this wrong. Help us get our perspective aligned correctly.
Immanuel, we praise you for always being with us. We praise you for choosing to come to earth and laying down your life, so our relationship with you can be restored. We praise you that you never leave us, but you walk with us all the time. We praise you that your longing is to walk in constant communion with us. How astounding. Your love for us is beyond our comprehension. Grow our desire to live in constant fellowship with you. Teach us how to make that a reality in our lives. Immanuel, teach us how to really live with you.
In Jesus name, amen.
