December 20, 2023 - John 1:9
“The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. ” John 1:9 NLT
Jesus, you are the true light. Nothing can put you out, turn you off, or outshine you. When you show up, darkness can no longer exist there. Thank you for giving that light away to us. You have made it available to everyone as a free gift. We thank you that no one is excluded. No one has messed up too much. What an amazing truth. Thank you, Lord, for your love and grace. We all fall short of deserving what you freely give us. We could never repay you for this gift. We praise you that you don’t require us to earn it or repay you for it.
Lord, even though you have made your gift of true light available to everyone as a free gift, there are so many people still groping around in the darkness longing for the light. They just don’t realize that it is you they long for. They don’t recognize you are the solution for the darkness they are surrounded by. Lord, help us be part of the solution to this tragic issue. Help us not to hide the light that is in us, but shine it brightly, always ready to proclaim that you are the light and the solution to the darkness.
Jesus, we are so grateful for all that you have done for us. This Christmas season, let us keep your light in the center of everything. Open our eyes to recognize you all around us. Remind us not to get so busy and wrapped up with our traditions and to do lists that we miss celebrating you. We want to make our Christmas season a time of rejoicing in you. We thank you that you came into the world and made your home among us. We have no idea what a sacrifice that was for you. We have no idea how much paying for our sins really cost you. We want to stop and think through your sacrifice for us, so we can put our focus back on you this Christmas.
In Jesus name, amen.
