December 2, 2022 - 2 Kings 3:16-17
“This is what the LORD says: ‘Dig ditches all over this dry stream bed. Even though you will not see any rain or wind, this stream bed will be filled with water, and you, your livestock, and your pack animals will have plenty to drink.’” 2 Kings 3:16-17 GNT
Lord, you often work on a sowing and reaping principle. When we walk in obedience and do whatever you are asking of us, that is often when we see breakthroughs happen, the need met, or the blessings flow. In this passage the Israelites had been marching to war through the wilderness for 7 days and had run out of water. They were getting desperate. They cried out to you for help. You could have just sent the water and provided the ditches to hold the water at the same time. It would not have been any more work for you. But you asked them to dig the ditches. I am sure in their very thirsty state, this was not an easy task or one they felt like doing. Even so, they obeyed, and you provided water for them to drink.
Lord, as I read this, I want to challenge us to look at the areas where we want breakthroughs. We bring those areas to you again, but instead of asking for you to provide the answer, we want to ask you if there are ditches that we need to dig. I am also challenged that there were no instructions for them on how many ditches to dig, but you filled what they dug. This is a faith journey for us as well. Give us the strength and the faith to dig enough ditches for a huge breakthrough and not just enough to get by. If they had only dug enough ditches to hold one day’s worth of water, then they would find themselves in the same situation tomorrow. Scripture doesn’t say, but I would guess that they had enough to carry a few days’ worth of water with them. Lord, show us where to start digging and we will commit to digging the ditches needed to see big breakthroughs in our lives.
In Jesus name, amen.
