December 18, 2022 - Psalms 96:3
“Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.” Psalms 96:3 NIV
Lord, you are the most glorious. Nothing compares to you. You deserve the praise of all creation. The heavens, the earth, and every living creature will lift your name on high. One day every human will see who you are, and they will bow down in worship. Lord, we choose to make that declaration now. We want to glorify your name in all we do, for you are worthy. Continue to grow us and change us to look more like you. Purify us and remove the things that taint our reflection of you. We want the world to clearly see you in our attitudes, our actions, and in our words.
Lord, you want to see people from every nation worshiping you in heaven for all eternity. You don’t want one person to be left out. We want to spend more time in your presence so that our heart is more like yours. We want to do all that we can to help relieve this burden. Your heart breaks for every person who is living life without you and each person who dies without finding the way to heaven. Lord, you are always carrying our burdens and healing our broken hearts. Sharing you with the lost is one way that we can do for you what you are always doing for us. We want to boldly declare you to the nations. Show each of us what our place is in doing that. We don’t just want to share you when we are going on a mission’s trip or a ministry outing, but we want it to be a lifestyle we live everywhere we go. Give us your eyes to see people like you see them. Give us your heart to desire to reach out to them in love. Give us your insights to know what each person needs at that moment and how to go about blessing them with your love. Help us start to declare your glory and your marvelous deeds in all we do. Show us how to do this in the methods that will work best for the person you created us to be.
In Jesus name, amen.
