December 17, 2024 - 1 Timothy 5:8
“But those who won’t care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.” 1 Timothy 5:8 NLT
Lord, as I read this passage I am challenged, and not just by what this verse actually says. I am challenged by the statement that, “such people are worse than unbelievers.” Paul is saying that even unbelievers will take care of their own relatives. As believers we should be more caring and loving than unbelievers. We should carry responsibility at a higher level. We should have better work ethics. Our attitudes and demeanor should be positive, grateful, and joyful. Every aspect of our lives should reflect you. If unbelievers care more about those in need than we do, if they have higher moral standards than us, if they have a better outlook on life, then what does that say about our relationship with you?
Lord, open our eyes to areas of our lives where we are not reflecting you. Deepen our relationship with you and transform us to be more like you. We can work so hard and fall short all the time if we are trying to be like you in our own strength. I find that when we are spending time in your presence, we naturally become more like you. You work in us and transform us when we are in your presence. The more time we spend with you, the more we reflect you and the easier it is to live like you. Our attitude and demeanor will change for the better. The ability to love and care for others will just flow out of us. The more we surrender to you the more we will see every aspect of our lives transformed. We want to look more like you than the unbelievers around us. Draw us closer and make us more like you.
In Jesus name, amen.
