December 17, 2022 - Acts 4:10, 12
“Let me clearly state to all of you and to all the people of Israel that he was healed by the powerful name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, the man you crucified but whom God raised from the dead. There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:10, 12 NLT
Jesus, we thank you for the price that you paid so that we could receive salvation. What a wonderful gift you have given us. We rejoice in the fact that we can spend eternity with you in heaven. We praise you that it is a free gift, and not something that we can earn. We praise you that we serve the most powerful God. We praise you that nothing can defeat you! You have overcome evil, sin, and death.
Lord, this verse makes it clear that we can only receive salvation through you Jesus. You are the only way to Heaven. It doesn’t matter how good we are, we all fall short. We have not lived a perfect life but have all sinned. Thank you so much that you wash away our sins completely and make us white as snow. This verse also makes it clear that other religions and other god’s will not get us to heaven. It doesn’t matter what our society has to say about this being exclusive, it is the truth. We can’t bend the truth to make it sound better or make it easier to live by. It is not that you are trying to exclude people. You want everyone to come to know you and spend eternity with you. When people really see you and experience your love, they are drawn to you and want to know more of you. You have given us the task of telling the world about you. You have asked us to live in such a way that we shine your light and draw men unto you. Lord, help us reflect a pure image of you. Grow us so that we live in a way that people get a taste of you through us. Teach us how to be fishers of men and be a part of bringing people to your saving grace.
In Jesus name, amen.
