December 16, 2021 - Jeremiah 1:9
“Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, “Look, I have put my words in your mouth!” Jeremiah 1:9 NLT
Lord, we thank you so much that you see us and touch us. Thank you for bestowing blessings over us. You want to share yourself with us. You want to speak with us and have conversations with us. You long for that. Open us up to that. Help us learn to focus ourselves and purify ourselves so we can clearly hear your voice. Teach us to know it. Teach us to not just know your voice when it is loud and obvious, but to know your still small voice.
We ask that you touch our mouth and give us your words. We ask for fresh words from you. We want to be your mouthpiece and speak your words into the world around us. We don’t just want to be an echo of what we hear others say. Lord, give us new revelation. Give us understanding beyond our natural wisdom. When we read your Word, help us discern things we would never see on our own. Give us your clear insight.
Along with giving us your words, give us a boldness to speak out what you are telling us. Anoint our mouths to speak for you. Teach us how to deliver your words the way you want them delivered. Teach us how to also discern the timing of releasing your words as well as to whom they should be shared. We ask not just for the words but that you would grow our authority to carry your words as well. Let them come out of us and change the world because of the power they carry.
In Jesus name, amen.
