December 12, 2023 - Psalms 31:19b-20
“Everybody knows what you can do for those who turn and hide themselves in you. So hide all your beloved ones in the sheltered, secret place before your face. Overshadow them with your glory-presence. Keep them from these accusations, the brutal insults of evil men. Tuck them safely away in the tabernacle where you dwell.” Psalms 31:19b-20 TPT
Lord, we want to make sitting in your presence our biggest priority. Teach us how to hide away in you. Show us how to do that in every season of our lives. You don’t expect more of us than what we can give. So, in those crazy seasons when time is so limited, show us how to still find ways to prioritize you. We want to always live in a way that brings you honor and deepens our relationship with you. We want every area of our lives to revolve around you. We invite you into all of us. Let the way we live be constant worship to you.
Lord, we thank you that you are our safe place. Any time that the world is too much for us we can hide away in you. Thank you that you are our shelter in all of life’s storms. You are our safe place when we are under attack. Teach us how to rest in you and trust you to be our defender in those times. Teach us how to effectively use our armor so that the attacks can’t penetrate, and we don’t take up offense. Even in the craziest situation, we want to be so overshadowed by your glory-presence that we can find rest and peace. When accusations are flying our way from all directions, we want to walk humbly and offer love. We can do that when we are tucked away in your dwelling place. Holy Spirit, take us deeper into that place surrounded by your presence. Show us how to make that place our home even in the crazy times.
We praise you for your shelter. We praise you for the peace that comes when we sit in the hiding place with you.
In Jesus name, amen.
