December 11, 2023 - Psalms 31:19a
“Lord, how wonderful you are! You have stored up so many good things for us, like a treasure chest heaped up and spilling over with blessings— all for those who honor and worship you!” Psalms 31:19a TPT
Lord, you are so wonderful! We worship you for all that you are and all that you do for us. Thank you so much for the treasures that you store up for us. You don’t just give us little gifts here and there. No, you give amazing gifts in abundance. How you love us is amazing. We thank you for the storerooms of blessings that you have for us that we have yet to see. Lord, help us position ourselves in a manner that we are ready to receive them. Give us the faith to believe you for all that you have.
Lord, you told me once that you don’t give me all that you have for me, because I don’t believe you for it. You said that I choose to live a life of settling for what is good enough. Lord, show us any place today that we are settling for good enough when you want more for us. We want to have the faith to come before you with open arms. Thank you that you don’t see us as the dog under the table eating the crumbs and scraps. Thank you for inviting us to the feast that you prepared just for us. It isn’t your fault if we don’t show up to eat it. Help us truly grasp this concept and learn how to live our lives coming to your table to dine with you daily.
Lord, help us to find the beautiful balance of walking with expectant hearts as your beloved children, but not spoiled children who come to you demanding what we want. We want to be ready to receive all that you have stored up to give us with a grateful attitude. At the same time Lord, we yield to your way and your time. Let your will be done.
In Jesus name, amen.
