December 10, 2024 - Psalms 48:14
“Yes, this is our God, our great God forever. He will lead us onward until the end, through all time, beyond death, and into eternity!” Psalms 48:14 TPT
All praise be to you, our Lord. You are such a great God. The way you love and care for us is beyond comprehension. Why does the Almighty God love and care for us feeble, sinful, unfaithful humans? It makes no sense, and we don’t deserve it, but we praise you for how you freely pour your love over us. We praise you for how your love is unending and boundless. There is no place it won’t go to rescue us. There is no sin it won’t forgive to set us free. We praise you for your tremendous love for us. We praise you that it doesn’t have to be earned. We praise you that it accepts us just as we are. We praise you that you are not afraid of our messes, and you don’t mind cleaning us up. You love to meet us where we are and do your amazing life altering work in us. We praise you for your timeline. You do your work in us in such a caring way. That doesn’t mean that it never hurts, but it always brings healing and freedom.
Holy Spirit, we welcome you into our lives and give you permission to do what you need to transform us into the people you designed us to be. Make us the best version of ourselves. Lead us and guide us in our walk with you. We want to walk in a way that honors you and reflects you to the world around us. Help us bring your love to the lost around us. Help us live in a way that when we do cross through death and into eternity, we can look back on this life and be pleased with how we walked in your ways and allowed you to use us. Make our priorities and passions line up with your priorities and passions. Transform us and make us more like Jesus.
In Jesus name, amen.
