August 25, 2024 - Ezekiel 36:9
“See, I care about you, and I will pay attention to you. Your ground will be plowed and your crops planted.” Ezekiel 36:9 NLT
Lord, we praise you for how you care about us. You are our perfect Father. You pay attention to us. We are not forgotten or overlooked. We are fully seen by you. Even when we mess up, you are there with us. You long to restore us and bring us back into a right relationship with you. Even when we choose to walk away you pursue us with your love. You are there drawing us back and awaiting our return. We praise you for your grace and mercy. The way you forgive us is beyond our comprehension. Thank you that even when we return all dirty and messed up, you clean us up and throw us a party for coming home. When we deserve the opposite, you pour out your blessings over us. You plow our ground, and it is you that causes our crops to grow. Lord, help us keep running into your arms. Help us to walk the path that leads towards you and run from anything that will pull us away. You are such an amazing Father, and we want to love you the way you love us.
In Jesus name, amen.
