August 24, 2023 - Psalms 23:4
“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me;” Psalms 23:4 NIV
Lord, we thank you that valleys are only for a season. They are something that we pass through. We don’t need to live there or set up camp there. They are temporary places we only need to walk through. We thank you that we don’t have to fear. Regardless of how dark it is in the valley you are always there with us. You are light. When we keep our eyes focused on you, you will lead us out. Thank you that we never have to get lost in the darkness. When the darkness feels suffocating, remind us to focus our eyes on you.
Jesus, we ask for you to give us the strength to keep on walking. Remind us as many times as we need to hear it that this season won’t last forever. It won’t always be this dark or this hard. Remind us that dawn always comes. It is always the darkest right before the dawn. If we just keep moving forward, we will come out of the darkness. Things will get better. We pray for the strength to just keep walking and trusting that you are there with us always. We are never alone.
Lord, we thank you for the places that are yet to come. We thank you for the victories that we have yet to see. We thank you for the person you are making us into. We thank you that you are still working on us, and you are not finished yet. We thank you that we have not met the best version of ourselves yet. We thank you for all that you have in store for us. We thank you that if we don’t give up, we will make it to all that you have for us. We praise you for how amazingly good you are to us. We declare that we trust you and we will not fear! We declare that even in the darkest nights we will keep our eyes locked on you and you will lead us through to morning! Hallelujah.
In Jesus name, amen.
