August 19, 2022 - Ephesians 6:15
The Battle – Prayer #5
“and having strapped on YOUR FEET THE GOSPEL OF PEACE IN PREPARATION [to face the enemy with firm-footed stability and the readiness produced by the good news].” Ephesians 6:15 AMP
Lord, we thank you for fitting our feet with the Gospel of Peace. We praise you that we can stand sure footed and stable in you. No matter what the enemy throws our way, we can trust you. We can walk forward into the chaos of battle fully resting in your peace. How amazing! That is definitely not the norm for walking into battle. Even the most seasoned warrior will have some fear as they walk into battle. We praise you that your peace allows us to march forward and advance into the enemy’s territory without fear. No matter how hard the enemy tries to trip us up if we are walking in your peace, we have nothing to fear. We praise you that no matter what trials we find ourselves in, we know we can walk through them in peace.
Jesus, you are the Prince of Peace and you have prepared us to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. These shoes will help us walk long and far journeys to reach the lost with your gospel. These shoes will help us stand our ground and advance effectively. As Christians you have called all of us to share your Good News with the lost. We want to be people who are always looking for opportunities to share your Good News. We recognize all the little battles we face are Satan’s way to keep our focus off what the ultimate battle is all about. His goal is to keep people in darkness. He wants to distract us, so we forget about our missions. Lord, we cannot allow this. We want to put on our shoes of the Gospel of Peace and march forward everyday ready to take back souls from Satan’s grasp. Show us how to overcome any fear that wants to hold us back and walk in the peace of sharing your Good News every day.
In Jesus name, amen.
