August 17, 2023 - Mark 8:25
“Then Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes again, and his eyes were opened. His sight was completely restored, and he could see everything clearly.” Mark 8:25 NLT
Jesus, we ask for you to touch us as many times as necessary for us to see you correctly, like this blind man at Bethsaida. You touched him but he was not seeing correctly, so you touched him again and his sight became clear. That is what we want. We want to see every aspect of you correctly.
Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, open our eyes, minds, and hearts and give us your revelation. Open our eyes and hearts to see you correctly. Lord, we know that you are more than what our minds think you are. If our minds could contain you, what kind of grand God would you be? Please stretch our mind some each day and show us more of who you are. It might make us uncomfortable to discover that you don’t line up with everything we thought, but we welcome that. We just want to see you correctly. Let every scale or blinder over our eyes that is limiting our sight of you fall off. Tear down anything in our lives - traditions, thought patterns, religious beliefs - that doesn’t line up with your truth. We give you permission to shake our lives as much as needed to get the things that are keeping us from seeing you correctly to fall off. Make a mess if you need to make a mess, just clear our eyes to see you correctly.
Help us learn to not only see you correctly, but to see the world around us correctly. Open our eyes to see the people we interact with through your eyes. Let us see the situations we encounter everyday through your eyes. Let us walk through them with your wisdom because we don’t just see what our human eyes see, and minds comprehend, but we see them with your eyes – we see them correctly.
In Jesus name, amen.
