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August 15, 2023 - John 2:7-10

“Jesus told the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” When the jars had been filled, he said, “Now dip some out, and take it to the master of ceremonies.” So the servants followed his instructions. When the master of ceremonies tasted the water that was now wine, not knowing where it had come from (though, of course, the servants knew), he called the bridegroom over. “A host always serves the best wine first,” he said. “Then, when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings out the less expensive wine. But you have kept the best until now!”” John 2:7-10 NLT

Lord, as I read this story, I am again amazed at your character. We can see how you love to bless us. You don’t just provide us with enough of what will suffice, but you provide us with an abundance of the best. In verse 6 we read that the 6 jars held between 120-180 gallons total. That is a lot of wine, especially considering that they had already used up all the wine that they had bought for the wedding. You provided more than enough of the highest quality wine. Higher than what was needed or expected. We praise you that you are the God of more than enough.

Lord, you don’t just give us what we need to scrape by, or even just enough, you give us more than enough. Teach us to come to you with open hearts ready to accept all that you have for us. How often do we limit you, giving you the minimum of jars to fill to meet our needs. If we provided more vessels, we would likely be surprised by the fact that you would also fill them for us. Help us come before you and truly give you an opportunity to fill us completely. Help us make spending time in your presence a priority so we can receive all you have for us. We don’t want to live our lives scraping by with just enough of you to survive. We want to live with more than enough of you, so that you overflow out of us to the world around us.

In Jesus name, amen.



About Colleen


Colleen Crawford has served full time with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1995. She served with YWAM Orlando for over 20 years. Since then, has been serving all over the world with YWAM Ships. She has a deep love for... 

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The heart behind these daily prayers is to put God’s word into action - to pray out and release the power it contains. 


There is so much power in the Bible – the Word of God. 


“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1 NLT) 


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