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August 14, 2023 - John‬ ‭6:36

“But you haven’t believed in me even though you have seen me.” John 6:36 NLT

Jesus, we so want to fully believe in you. We want to live our lives like we totally believe you are real, that you love us completely, that you can do anything, and that you can use us to do impossible things. We didn’t have the privilege of walking on the earth side by side with you like John did. It might be easier to believe if we had, but we can experience your presence. Today, I ask for you to give each of us a fresh revelation of who you are.

We want to see you rightly. We don’t want to see through any lenses that have you tinted incorrectly or distorted. Open our eyes today to see you as you really are. Any way that we have limited who you are, change our perspective. We give you permission today to burst out of any boxes that we placed you in. Open our eyes and reveal who you really are to us. Show us how you really feel about us, so we don’t limit what we are capable of doing through you. We want to see you, the world around us, and ourselves correctly, just as you see them. Show us any places where we are believing lies that are limiting who you are or what you can do.

Rewrite our thinking if needed. I think of how Saul encountered you on the road to Damascus and it completely changed his perspective on everything. Paul is still making such a huge impact on us today with his letters. He saw you correctly and it changed everything. We want to see you correctly. We want to have an impact on the world around us like Paul.

We come before you today with open hearts and say, change us as needed. Do what you need to do. Disrupt what needs to be disrupted if it means we get our perspective adjusted correctly. We thank you that you want us to see you clearly. You are amazing.

In Jesus name, amen.



About Colleen


Colleen Crawford has served full time with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1995. She served with YWAM Orlando for over 20 years. Since then, has been serving all over the world with YWAM Ships. She has a deep love for... 

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The heart behind these daily prayers is to put God’s word into action - to pray out and release the power it contains. 


There is so much power in the Bible – the Word of God. 


“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1 NLT) 


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