August 12, 2023 - Romans 8:18
“I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us.” Romans 8:18 TPT
Lord, we thank you for your magnificent glory. I know we have only seen a glimpse of it. Really not even a full glimpse, more of a reflection of your glory. Lord, we want to be a reflection of your glory to the world around us. Help us to live out of your glory. We thank you for Holy Spirit that lives within us, putting your glory within us. Further down in verse 23 it says that the Holy Spirit is a foretaste of the future glory to come. Holy Spirit, we invite you to come and fill us up with more and more of who you are. Help us remove the things that stand in the way of being more filled with you. We never want to limit all that you have for us.
Lord, we thank you for the future that you have in store for us. Thank you that there will be a day when all suffering ends. When death and decay ends. When the fullness of who you are will be revealed. And what a day that will be. We eagerly await the day we can stand before you and worship you for all eternity.
Lord, as we wait, help us to live in such a manner that we bring as much of your glory into this world as possible. Even when our lives here are not easy, help us to walk through any suffering in a way that brings you glory. Help us always remember the end goal. Help us remember that you have walked this journey before us. Help us remember that if we focus on you, we can make it through any circumstance. We can rise above and walk on water when we keep our eyes on you. We don’t have to get lost in the storm and waves. Thank you so much for that reality, Lord. How amazing. You are so very good to us. Thank you, Father. Thank you.
In Jesus name, amen.
