August 1, 2022 - Matthew 7:1-2
“Refuse to be a critic full of bias toward others, and you will not be judged. For you’ll be judged by the same standard that you’ve used to judge others. The measurement you use on them will be used on you.” Matthew 7:1-2 TPT
Lord, we don’t want to be critical or judgmental people. I believe that criticism can be a cancer that destroys the unity that you want in your followers. We never want to be a cancer to your body. Would you help us learn how to eliminate negative criticism from our lives? We want to go after it and cut it out of our lives as aggressively as a doctor will go after a deadly cancer in our bodies. Open our eyes to it when we don’t even realize that we are doing it. Particularly those of us who have a critical perspective on life. Having an analyzing/critical mindset can be positive in that it can help us in seeing where systems can be improved. But it can be negative if we don’t learn how to properly manage it. Forgive us for the times that we have not properly managed it. Forgive us for the times where we have let our criticism negatively effect and tear apart unity among your followers. Forgive us for the time when our judgmental attitudes or criticism has left a negative taste in a non-Christian’s life.
Teach us how to be grateful and encourage people in all we do. Help us to shift our perspective to one that promotes unity. Open our eyes to excuses that we might use to justify negativity. Things like: I needed to vent; I was only joking; it was said in a good nature; etc. Lord, show us how to bring our frustrations to you and not to others who cannot solve the issues. If we do need to discuss it with someone, show who can be part of the solution and not someone that we would be spreading a “cancer” to. Help us learn how to handle these situations in a way that will bring you glory and not just make us feel better.
In Jesus name, amen.
